Lower Cost Loan Fees Make it Easy to Get the Cash Advance You Need
Best Cash Advance® Repeat Customers Get Lower Cost Loans
The more often you borrow, the more money you can borrow. The more frequently you repay loans, the lower your interest becomes. It's just our way of saying, “Thank you” for your continued loyalty to Best Cash Advance®.
We are able to implement the rates below if you live in a state that does not set the loan rate you are to be charged. If your state sets the rate and the amount you can borrow, we must lend and charge you only the amounts they dictate. But Best Cash Advance® will find other ways to say “Thank you,” because that’s who we are. Grateful for your business.
You'll want to bookmark this page (Ctrl-D). Why? Because after you compare rates from those other cash advance sites, you'll be ready to work with Best Cash Advance® for a lower cost loan. That's what our Preferred Customers do. They've learned over the years that the more often they borrow — and pay back their loans on time — the less interest they pay. In fact, Preferred Customers pay one of the lowest rates on the Internet.
Would you like to become a Preferred Customer and get lower cost loans? It's easy.
Preferred Customers Can Borrow More for Less at Best Cash Advance®